The internet is an integral part of our daily lives. Whether we’re connecting with friends on social media or sending emails to colleagues, we rely on quality connections and trusted internet providers in Ontario Canada, to foster those personal and professional relationships.
The challenge becomes when we struggle with video calls that freeze mid-conversation or connections that simply drop altogether. When this happens, it’s easy to misunderstand whether it’s your internet’s bandwidth or speed that’s the issue at hand.
Understanding the difference between bandwidth vs. internet speed is easily achievable. With these insights, you can take the guesswork out and focus on solving the issue — so that you can get back online as quickly as possible.
Let’s explore the differences and nuances of internet bandwidth and speed in this complete guide.
What is Internet Bandwidth?
First, let’s explore the ins and outs of internet bandwidth. While the term bandwidth has several technical meanings, the internet has popularized the term to reflect its own meaning — referring to the volume of information for every unit of time an internet connection can handle.
Simply put, it refers to the maximum amount of data a high-speed internet connection can handle at any given moment.
So how much bandwidth can different types of internet connections handle? That depends on your specific plan. A connection with larger bandwidth capabilities can move more significant amounts of data faster than connections with a lower-grade capacity.
Why is Bandwidth Important?
For many, bandwidth is simply a technical term. In reality, learning its meaning and how it relates to our daily lives can help ensure you can access the connections you need.
Let’s look at bandwidth in relation to businesses. If your company has a website, the capabilities of your current bandwidth will determine the speed at which the pages on your site will upload. If you’re looking to host large images and long videos on your site, you need higher bandwidth and Mbps to accommodate.
Mbps vs MBps
Bandwidth can be expressed in any unit — including bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabits — however, the most common to note are Mbps and MBps. Understanding the difference between the two will help you avoid paying for too much or not enough internet.
Mbps — megabits per second — is a unit of measurement for upload and download speeds. Alternatively, MBps refers to megabytes per second and is most commonly used to identify the speed at which a file is uploading or downloading.
It’s important to note that both will come into play when you’re online, whether you’re loading a website or downloading music or movies. Knowing the difference between both terms not only helps you troubleshoot but provides the context needed to change your bandwidth if it doesn’t reflect your online habits.
How to Check Internet Bandwidth
Sometimes, you just need a few moments to confirm that your network is running as it should and that’s when you’ll want to perform a short bandwidth test.
The simplest way to do this is to use an internet-based speed test, which you can access through Google. These tests are designed to measure the time it takes to download and upload a specific amount of data. The results will confirm if your internet is underperforming.

What is Internet Speed?
Now let’s talk about internet speed. Your internet speed is measured based on the amount of time your connection is capable of downloading and uploading data and how long it takes for that data to transfer between your device and the web server.
Why is Speed Important?
Ultimately, the faster your internet connection, the more engagement and activities you can participate in. Whether you’re downloading your favourite songs or staying in touch with friends and family across Canada, we rely on fast internet speeds to help us stay connected to our personal and professional networks.
Another important factor is the type of internet connection you choose. Most commonly, the choice is between DSL vs. cable internet, with cable internet being the preferred option for its enhanced speed.
Download vs. Upload Speeds
Download speed refers to the rate that an image, video, or text file is carried from the internet to your device. There is a range of activities that require quality download speeds, including streaming TV shows or movies and listening to music on platforms such as Spotify. A quality download speed typically falls around 25 Mbps or higher, although this can change depending on your household’s online activity.
Upload speed, on the other hand, refers to the time it takes to send information from your device to another internet server. While downloading data and information is most common, there are online activities that require capable upload speeds, including sending emails or engaging in a video conference with colleagues. Typically, a strong upload speed falls at three Mbps or higher.
How to Check Internet Speed
Whether you’re working at home or in an office setting, it’s important to know your current internet speed. This will determine if your internet provider is providing the download and upload speeds they’ve promised.
First, use a wired connection if it’s available to you. This will help ensure there is no interference or disruptions during the test, which may occur if you’re using a Wi-Fi connection. Any additional devices should be plugged directly into the modem and ensure your device isn’t currently downloading any files or performing any software updates.
The most effective way to perform a speed test is through Google. Simply type “speed test” into the browser and you’ll be given instructions on how to proceed. It’s important to note that the time of day will likely affect your results — peak hours may produce a slower speed than off-peak hours.
If you’re not satisfied with your internet speed, it may be time to switch to Eyesurf’s trusted internet plans in Ontario.
Will increasing internet speed increase bandwidth?
When connected, your devices are competing for a share of your internet bandwidth and the rate of speed you experience when browsing online or sending emails is often dependent on the amount of bandwidth at your disposal.
However, there are other factors that contribute to your internet speed, including your connection method — hard-wired networks vs. Wi-Fi — and the capability of the technology you’re using.
Toronto’s Leading Internet Providers
At Eyesurf, we’re proud to offer premium internet services and solutions in Toronto and across Canada.
With over 10 years of telecommunications experience, we understand what our customers need from their internet provider — flexibility, affordability, and quality. We’re committed to providing services that meet those needs and more.
We provide residential and commercial communities with the chance to stay connected to their networks across Canada and worldwide. With affordable internet, home phone, mobile phone, and TV bundles and a commitment to quality customer service, Canadians can experience better internet solutions.